Safety is the be-all and end-all.
Dry ice is solid carbon dioxide which, when cooled to below -78 °C, resublimates to solid dry ice. Some security regulations apply when handling dry ice which the consumer has to observe.
CO2, the raw material of dry ice causes, together with other gases in the atmosphere, the so-called greenhouse effect. Currently, global carbon dioxide levels are increasing by approx. 10 gigatons per year. Approx. 25% of this is caused by the destruction of the tropical rain forests. An additional 75% through the combustion of fossil fuels.
Only about 0.015 % of the carbon dioxide that is released annually is due to the use of dry ice. Due to the fact that the carbon dioxide we use for dry ice production is derived from chemical waste gases, combustion gases or natural sources, this does not generate any additional greenhouse effect. In industrialised countries CO2 is not produced any more on purpose and the fossil burning to produce carbon dioxide has completely disappeared.
When producing dry ice, we only change the state of aggregation of carbon dioxide from liquid to solid.
Safety is the be-all and end-all.
Dry ice is solid carbon dioxide which, when cooled to below -78 °C, resublimates to solid dry ice. Some security regulations apply when handling dry ice which the consumer has to observe.