In a world that keeps turning, standing still means being at a competitive disadvantage. We conduct research on innovative solutions on behalf of our customers and develop new machines using state-of-the-art technologies.
Research and Development Project “SOpt” – on sound emission and energy optimisation of automated CO2 dry ice blasting machines
In cooperation with the HA Hessen Agentur GmbH, enotech GmbH has conducted a research project from 2017 until 2019 on the “Sound emission and energy optimisation of automated CO2 dry ice blasting machines”.
The Hochschule Darmstadt (Darmstadt university of applied sciences) was consulted as a partner here. We have installed an experimental setup in Darmstadt with the aid of which we were able to develop and test various novel nozzle geometries that have made a significant contribution towards sound and energy optimisation. For this reason, we are aiming to set up a follow-up project this year, in which we can incorporate the knowledge gained so far to secure ourselves a unique selling point in the market.
Research and Development Project “CO2cycling” – for the development, validation and commissioning of a digital twin of industrial CO2 dry ice production systems as an optimization, packaging, analysis and maintenance tool
In order to actively promote environmental protection, we as enotech GmbH are now going digital with the help of Distr@l-Funding from the State of Hesse. In cooperation with the development partners Treaves Research & Consult GmbH from Liederbach and the Steinbeis Transfer Center for Thermo- and Fluid-Dynamic Analysis of Technical Systems from Kelkheim, we are developing a digital process image of our industrial CO2 dry ice machines.
As part of this R&D project, various models and simulation approaches for the detailed mapping of the physical phenomena describing the dry ice production process are used, further developed and verified and validated in a digital twin of the process of enotech GmbH. This digital twin is used directly in the course of the project to implement an initial sustainable process optimization.
The final goal of the project is to be able to holistically examine and optimize the production process of enotech GmbH with the help of the digital process image. An optimal selection of process parameters should also be guaranteed with the help of digital technology, so that the production systems can be operated as required and a high level of energy and resource efficiency can always be guaranteed.
As part of this R&D project, an initial system optimization is already being sought. It promises energy savings of around 20% and resource savings of around 15%.
Research and Development Project “CCU-Plan” – Development of a digital tool for techno-economic evaluation of integrated CO2 utilization plants for dry ice production.
For the first time, enotech GmbH is launching an R&D project in the field of Carbon-Capture-and-Utilization (CCU), with the support of the digitalization funding program Distr@l from the state of Hesse. The company aims to contribute to the decarbonization of the industrial sector.
In collaboration with the Hessian development partner, TREAVES GmbH from Sulzbach, a digital planning tool for the Carbon-Capture-and-Utilization (CCU) domain within the context of industrial dry ice production will be developed as part of the R&D project. This planning tool, referred to as “CCU-Plan,” will enable enotech to comprehensively and precisely assess process-engineering CCU systems, including fully-integrated dry ice production, in the early planning stages with a solid techno-economic foundation, thereby minimizing planning risks. It serves as a basis for the realization of numerous CCU projects. With CCU-Plan, precisely designed CCU systems for dry ice production will make a significant contribution to climate protection by limiting the amount of CO2 emitted for industrial dry ice production to a minimum. In conjunction with biogenic CO2, they will even enable climate-neutral dry ice production.
Research and Development Project “DDICU” – Direct Dry-Ice Capturing and Utilization
The primary goal of current climate protection activities is the reduction of CO2 emissions. Enotech has therefore been working for some time on utilizing industrial CO2 emissions as a raw material for its own dry ice production through technical innovations. By employing proprietary CCU (Carbon Capture and Utilization) plant concepts with integrated dry ice production, the production of dry ice is becoming increasingly decentralized. As part of this initiative, a new CCU system component is to be developed, enabling the separation of CO2 from industrial exhaust gases and its further processing into a technical product in a single process step. The development plan follows an iterative approach combining simulations and experiments.
The aim of the project is to contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions in energy- and emission-intensive industries, supported by co-financing from the EFRE fund amounting to €395,271. This will be achieved through the development of an innovative CCU system component for gas separation with integrated dry ice production. The new development focuses on capturing CO2 from the exhaust streams of industrial plants. What sets this apart is the simultaneous conversion of the captured CO2 into dry ice for further economic utilization. By combining CO2 capture and dry ice production in a single process step, the cost-effectiveness of retrofitting facilities with CCU technologies is expected to be significantly improved. This, in turn, aims to contribute to the decarbonization of energy- and emission-intensive industries.
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Copyright © by HA Hessen Agentur GmbH – Jan Michael Hosan.